Importance of Healthy Food

Food, as a fundamental necessity for all living beings, shapes our health and lifestyle.


2/1/20234 min read

macro shot of vegetable lot
macro shot of vegetable lot


Food, as a fundamental necessity for all living beings, shapes our health and lifestyle. Our bodies demand nutritious food packed with essential nutrients to function optimally. These nutrients are the fuel that keeps us energized, helps us grow and fortifies our immune system. However, the modern culture's inclination towards processed fast food has diminished our healthy eating habits, inviting obesity, lethargy, cardiac issues, and a rise in health conditions. This piece emphasizes the relevance of nutritious food, guiding you towards a healthier, stress-free existence.

The Critical Role of Eating

All living organisms depend on food for survival. Nutritious meals nourish us with the stamina required to perform daily tasks and live an active life. But, eating nutritious food transcends beyond just survival. Modern breakthroughs in nutritive science highlight how wholesome eating is instrumental in boosting physical and mental well-being, warding off diseases, and enhancing overall life quality.

Key Guidelines for Eating Healthily

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), a balanced diet should incorporate all vital nutritional groups that aid our bodies in different degrees. Thus, the World Health Organization aptly highlights the significance of nutritious food.

Understanding the potential risks of neglecting a well-rounded diet, we realize the importance of monitoring diet and developing healthy eating practices. Mindful nutrition can drive preventative wellness and catalyze optimum health, emphasizing the impact of diet on health and lifestyle. So, how do we factor in diet while maintaining high life quality? We'll delve into that in the forthcoming sections.

Balanced Diet

A balanced diet provides nutrition that aligns with the body's specific energy and fitness needs. It takes into account the body's unique requirement, catering to individual characteristics and lifestyles. Although there's no one-size-fits-all diet, some universal elements constitute a balanced diet.

Fats and Carbohydrates

Fats and carbohydrates are the primary energy suppliers for the body, assisting in critical functions like blood circulation, lung functions, and body temperature maintenance.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals play crucial regulatory roles for various bodily processes, helping to prevent disorders and diseases.


It is crucial to include fibrous food in your diet. Fibre aids in proper waste management in the body. Whole cereals are a great source of fibre, providing satiety and promoting healthy bowel movements.

Daily Servings

To ward off cardiac disorders, certain cancers, and strokes, the WHO recommends consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. This provides the body with ample dietary fibre.

Devising a Healthy Diet

While the saying goes, "eat everything," it doesn't include unhealthy options loaded with trans fats and high sugar. Besides, numerous other components like preservatives, stabilizers, and artificial flavour enhancers also pose health threats.

The 'variety' in the diet should consist of foods that resonate with the importance of healthy food like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, etc. This doesn't mean you can't occasionally indulge in something decadent, but the primary focus should be on healthy food choices. Here are a few essentials.

Whole Cereals

Whole grains like rice, oats, rye, or spelt are found in many food items. Carbohydrates convert into glucose in our bodies for energy use. Therefore, the amount consumed should be proportional to your energy expenditure. Always check the ingredients list to ensure it contains whole grains. Avoid any product with wheat flour and just 5% of other grains alibiing as a comprehensive alternative.

Incorporating Lentils

As a culinary boon packed with protein and carbohydrates, legumes, notably lentils, can be a superb alternative for lessening meat consumption. Presently, semi-cooked lentils are readily available making their preparation almost effortless. Yet, for an additive-free choice, resorting to the traditional way of cooking them raw at home is a superior option.

Power of Fruits and Vegetables

An uncomplicated way to overhaul your dietary habits is to make vegetables the stars of your every meal. Given their denser nutrient profiles and lighter caloric values compared to other food groups, they're an excellent source of necessary vitamins and minerals, crucial for your body's optimum operation. Fruits are your allies when mid-meal hunger strikes or as healthier replacements to baked goods for breakfast. It’s strongly encouraged to incorporate vegetables at each mealtime.

Monitoring Fat Intake

The World Health Organization urges maintaining your fat intake below 30% of your daily calories to lower the chances of weight gain or obesity. But bear in mind, all fats are not born equal. Your daily intake of saturated fats is best kept at 10% and Trans fats ideally at a bare minimum of 1%.

Indeed, certain fats like olive oil come with health benefits; it's one of the most wholesome fats available. Foods like avocado and salmon, abundant in heart-friendly Omega-3, are also good for you. Opt for high-quality olive oil to add nutrient value and an enhanced taste to your dishes.

Regulating Intake of Salt and Added Sugars

While salt is a vital micronutrient, its consumption needs to be controlled, ideally about 5 grams a day. Overuse can lead to hypertensive conditions. Additionally, keep added sugar consumption to an absolute minimum; it shouldn’t account for more than 5-10% of your total caloric intake. A diet grounded on natural, minimally processed foods is advisable.

Advantages of a Healthy Diet

A well-rounded diet ensures your body functions efficiently, fulfills basic physiological requirements and cuts down the likelihood of illnesses. The correlation may not be direct, yet dietary habits are known to increase the risk factor of contracting and progressing such diseases. The World Health Organization indicates that unhealthy eating and overindulgence in fried fare contribute to 2.7 million fatalities annually.

Some notable advantages of maintaining a balanced and healthy diet

  • Fortifies the immune system

  • Diminishes the risk of chronic ailments

  • Enhances blood circulation

  • Slows down ageing

  • Protects against heart diseases

  • Maintains healthy body weight

  • Combats chronic fatigue and lethargy

  • Spearheads a positive mental state

Final Thoughts

The essence of maintaining a balanced diet and its profound impact on longevity is hard to overlook. A conscious eater who resists junk food enjoys a more extended, healthier life compared to those who succumb. Mindful eating can significantly influence your lifestyle habits and enhance life quality—opt for those foods that you know offer the most nutrition. Understanding the benefits of various foods and the nutrients they provide is a step towards realizing a healthier you.